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Name Rashi Calculator | Know your zodiac by birth letter

If the time or date of birth is not known. So Name Rashi Calculator is used. By using the Name Rashi Calculator, you can talk about the future of the person. Let’s know about the Name Rashi Calculator in detail.

What are astrology signs or zodiac ?

By Vedic astrology and astronomy, there are many groups of stars in the sky. According to Vedic astrology, stars of different sizes and nature are found in these constellations. The special feature of this group is made by their different panas. These characteristics of star clusters are related to their special size and nature. These groups are called zodiac signs. There is about twelve zodiac signs in the sky circle. In which Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are included.

What future can be known from the birth sign or zodiac ?

According to Indian tradition, as soon as a child is born, it is named according to the birth sign of the child. Therefore, according to Hindu tradition, a person’s name is associated with his zodiac sign. Its effect is on the nature of the person. Therefore, if the person is not aware of the birth sign, then the first letter of his name can be used to know his zodiac sign. If you have the proper information about your time and date of birth. So by the Name Rashi Calculator, your zodiac nature, work area, zodiac lord can get its worthy information.

Why is the Moon more important than the Sun in Vedic astrology ?

At the time of birth of the person, the zodiac sign in which the Moon is situated in the sky circle. It is the birth sign of the person or the person. Sun sign is given more importance in western countries. But the Moon has been given a special place in Vedic astrology. The main reason for this is the partially changing position of the Moon. In Vedic astrology, the Moon is considered the karaka planet of the mind. So the Sun is considered the karaka planet of the soul. Therefore, to know the mental state of a person, the information of Moon sign is necessary.

How does the Name Rashi Calculator work ?

Often, one forgets to register the date of birth or time of birth properly. Name Rashi Calculator comes in handy when astrology is needed at such times. By the way, it will not be considered 100% accurate. But what will be the name of the person, by what name will he be known. No one can tell this.

Name has a deep impact on personality

This has often been found. The name of a person does not come from his will but from the will of God. Often the person’s name is different at the time of birth. And people know him by different name. Recognized by a different name. And somewhere this name has a deep impact on his personality. Because each name has a different nature. It has different characteristics. All these characteristics apply to that person. So it would not be unfair to say that. Name Rashi Calculator performs special functions according to its own.

What can be known from the Name Rashi Calculator ?

Name can be identified about the person through astrology from Rashi Calculator. Like the half-century of Saturn. The immediate loss or gain can be known in advance due to the changes in the zodiac signs of the planets from that zodiac. Time can be fixed for marriage. But the Muhurta cannot be. By the way, the fat and fat things of life can be known from the name zodiac calculator. To discuss an issue in detail, one would be more adept at knowing the planetary positions including the lagna kundali.

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Know your Rashi from the first letter of the Name, Name Rashi Calculator

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