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Today's Choghadiya Muhurta, Friday 28 March 2025

Choghadiya is used to observe special Muhurt. To start any new work. Or Choghadiya is also used to start a distant journey. Due to the many Muhurat of Choghadiya and its characteristics, it is also used for other works.

Today's Choghadiya Muhurta, Friday 28 March 2025

Day Choghadiya

Choghadiya Start End Good / Bad
Chara 06:16 AM 07:48 AM Neutral
Labha 07:48 AM 09:21 AM Gain
Amrita 09:21 AM 10:54 AM Best
Kala 10:54 AM 12:27 PM Loss
Shubh 12:27 PM 01:59 PM Good
Roga 01:59 PM 03:32 PM Evil
Roga 03:32 PM 05:05 PM Evil
Chara 05:05 PM 06:38 PM Neutral

Night Choghadiya

Choghadiya Start End Good / Bad
Roga 06:38 PM 08:10 PM Evil
Kala 08:10 PM 09:43 PM Loss
Labha 09:43 PM 11:16 PM Gain
Udvega 11:16 PM 12:49 AM Bad
Shubh 12:49 AM 02:22 AM Good
Amrita 02:22 AM 03:55 AM Best
Chara 03:55 AM 05:28 AM Neutral
Roga 05:28 AM 07:01 AM Evil

Auspicious and inauspicious Choghadiya Muhurat

There are seven stages or periods of Choghadiya Muhurt. In this, Amrit Kaal, Shubh Kaal, Labh and Char Kaal are considered auspicious. And the remaining three periods, disease, time and udvega are considered useless. It is considered auspicious and best to start auspicious work in the first four periods of Choghadiya.

There are two types of Choghadiya Muhurt. Choghadiya of day and Choghadiya of night. The time between sunrise and sunset is called Choghadiya of the day. And the time from sunset to the next sunrise is called night’s Choghadiya.

What is Choghadiya Vaar Vela, Kaal Vela and Kaal Ratri ?

In Choghadiya Muhurt, the auspicious time and the forbidden time are considered separately. Vaar Vela, Kaal Vela and Kaal are part of the night time. And in this it is forbidden to start any auspicious work. Any work started at this time is unable to be fruitful.

How is Choghadiya Muhurat determined?

In the Vedic period, the time from sunrise to sunset and from sunset to sunrise is divided into 30 divisions. Choghadiya Muhurat, this 30 Ghati time is again divided into 8. Through this math, 8 Choghadiya Muhurat of every day and 8 of the night are obtained.

In this, each Choghadiya Muhurat is of 4 Ghati. Hence this Muhurat is known as Char Ghati i.e. Choghadiya. Choghadiya is also known as Chaturshtika.

What to do if Shubh Choghadiya and Rahu Kaal are together?

Rahukaal is always considered inauspicious. Rahu Kaal is considered a taboo for the beginning of any auspicious work. Rahu Kalam is given special importance in South India. Therefore, it would be a better choice to forbid the auspicious Choghadiya Muhurt that came with Rahukal.

If Vaar Vela, Kaal Vela and Ratri Vela are with Shubh Choghadiya?

Good work done in Vaar Vela, Kaal Vela and Ratri Vela and Kaal Ratri does not yield fruitful results. Therefore, for the beginning of auspicious work, the auspicious Choghadiya Muhurat which came in the middle of this time would be prohibited.

Auspicious and inauspicious Choghadiya Muhurat certainty

In Vedic astrology, the first Hora or Prahar of each day’s sunrise is affected by the same planet. Similarly, the last Muhurat of the day is also affected by the same planet.

According to Vedic astrology, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are considered to be auspicious. Whereas the nature of planets like Sun, Mars and Saturn is said to be sinful. On the basis of this, auspicious or inauspicious Choghadiya Muhurat can be determined. However, inauspicious Choghadiya Muhurat can also be very auspicious for some special works.

Udveg Choghadiya

Sun has an effect on Udveg Choghadiya. Sun is considered to be sinful and evil. Therefore, Udveg Choghadiya is considered inauspicious. But Udveg Choghadiya is considered auspicious for the areas affected by the Sun and for works such as government work, management.

Char Choghadiya

There is an effect of Venus on Char Choghadiya. Venus is considered an auspicious planet in Vedic astrology. Therefore, Char Choghadiya is considered very auspicious for entertainment, travel, art, mantra sadhana, art practice, marriage related work.

Labh Choghadiya

According to Vedic astrology, Mercury is considered auspicious and beneficial. Mercury related work and field, intellectual work, writing skill, study area, for this, Choghadiya is considered very auspicious.

Amrit Choghadiya

According to Vedic astrology, Moon is considered an auspicious planet. Therefore, the result of Amrit Choghadiya is also auspicious. Amrit Choghadiya is considered to be extremely beneficial for the work related to the moon and the Kshetras.

Kaal Choghadiya

According to Vedic astrology, the planet Shani is considered a malefic and sinful planet. There is an effect of Saturn on Kaal Choghadiya. Therefore, Kaal Choghadiya is considered inauspicious for auspicious works. But Shani related work and area, such as work related to iron, old house, work related to old things, oil, iron, work related to these will be auspicious.

Shubh Choghadiya

There is an effect of Guru Jupiter on Shubh Choghadiya. In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is always considered an auspicious planet. Mars events happening in the house. Especially auspicious Choghadiya is considered fruitful for the auspicious times of marriage.

Rog Choghadiya

In Vedic astrology, Mars is considered a sinful planet. There is an effect of Mars on the disease Choghadiya. Therefore, the disease Choghadiya is considered inauspicious for auspicious works. But in spite of this, the disease Choghadiya can be auspicious for the area and work related to Mars. Like war, war policy, any kind of fight, starting them in disease Choghadiya will give benefit.

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