Today's Do Ghati Muhurat, Friday 28 March 2025
In Vedic astrology, Do Ghati Muhurta is called auspicious time. The duration of Do Ghati Muhurta is approximately 48 minutes. Keeping in mind the inconvenience of a Muhurta for a particular work, this Muhurta has been created. That’s why almost all the works are Done in this Muhurta.
Current Do Ghati Muhurat
28 March 2025
Today's Do Ghati Muhurat, Friday 28 March 2025
Do Ghado of the day
Muhurat of the day | Start Time | End Time |
Pratah | 06:16 AM | 07:05 AM |
Pratah | 07:05 AM | 07:54 AM |
Pratah | 07:54 AM | 08:44 AM |
Sangava | 08:44 AM | 09:33 AM |
Sangava | 09:33 AM | 10:23 AM |
Sangava | 10:23 AM | 11:12 AM |
Madhyahna | 11:12 AM | 12:02 PM |
Madhyahna | 12:02 PM | 12:51 PM |
Madhyahna | 12:51 PM | 01:41 PM |
Aparahna | 01:41 PM | 02:30 PM |
Aparahna | 02:30 PM | 03:20 PM |
Aparahna | 03:20 PM | 04:09 PM |
Sayahna | 04:09 PM | 04:59 PM |
Sayahna | 04:59 PM | 05:48 PM |
Sayahna | 05:48 PM | 06:38 PM |
Do Ghado of the night
Muhurat of the day | Start Time | End Time |
Pradosha | 06:38 PM | 07:27 PM |
Pradosha | 07:27 PM | 08:17 PM |
Pradosha | 08:17 PM | 09:06 PM |
Ratri | 09:06 PM | 09:56 PM |
Ratri | 09:56 PM | 10:45 PM |
Ratri | 10:45 PM | 11:35 PM |
Ratri | 11:35 PM | 12:24 AM |
Nishita | 12:24 AM | 01:14 AM |
Ratri | 01:14 AM | 02:03 AM |
Ratri | 02:03 AM | 02:53 AM |
Ratri | 02:53 AM | 03:42 AM |
Ratri | 03:42 AM | 04:32 AM |
Ratri | 04:32 AM | 05:21 AM |
Arunodaya | 05:21 AM | 06:11 AM |
Arunodaya | 06:11 AM | 07:01 AM |
Do Ghati Muhurat for other cities
Considering the special speed from sunrise to sunset, 30 parts are called Do Ghatis. Therefore, in these Do parts of the day and night, Do Ghati Muhurats are taken.
There is a special calculator in Vedic astrology to measure Ghati. By dividing the time from sunrise to sunset into 30 parts, the time of 1 Ghati is obtained.
Along with this, the timing of Ghati varies from place to place. Therefore, the cut off time may vary from place to place.
Do Ghati Muhurta are known by different names.
Rudra, Ahi, Mitra, Pitru, Vasu, Varaha, Vishwadeva, Vidhi, Satmukhi, Puruhuta, Vahini, Naktankara, Varuna, Aryama, Bhaga, Girish, Ajpada, Ahir Budhnya, Pushya, Ashwini, Yama, Agni, Vidhatra, Kanda, Aditi , Jiva, Vishnu, Yumigadyuti, Brahman, Samudram
Where is Do Ghati Muhurta used?
Do Ghatis or Muhurtas are considered auspicious before starting any good work. For example:
Doing the following work is considered fruitful in Do Ghati Muhurta.
- Do ghatis are used for Doing work Done for the first time in life.
- To work keeping in mind the time of economic transactions. Do hours are considered auspicious.
- Do Ghatis are used to buy or sell property.
- Use of Do ghati is auspicious for Doing auspicious work related to marriage.
- Do ghati are used to start related to education.
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