arjun name meaning

Arjun Name meaning, origin, astrology details, personality, numerology and lucky numbers

Arjun is a Hindu name. The origin of the name Arjun is Indian.

Religion of the name Arjun
Gender of the name Arjun
What is the meaning of the name Arjun ?
Arjun Means, Bright, shining, white, clear

Astrology details for Arjun

Rashi Lord
Lucky Color
Gold, Orange, Saffron, Yellow
Lucky Day
Sunday and Monday
Lucky Stone
Ruby, Yellow Topaz, Sapphire

Numerology Details for Arjun

Self Factor

Positive Traits :

Others consider people with personality number 1 to be efficient and capable of decision making. People with Bhagyank number 1 are known to be very capable and energetic. People with personality number 1 are respected by others

People with Bhagyank number 1 are creative and thought provoking, which means that they can come up with solutions to their problems. People are attracted towards them to get the solution of their problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the name Arjun?
Bright, shining, white, clear

What are the positive characteristics of the name Arjun?
Can be very Selfish

What are the positive thoughts people have about the name Arjun?
Optimistic by thought and leader in all situations

What is the negative thinking of people about the name Arjun?
Rebellious to achieve their goals- though the end result is good.

Which is the suitable profession for Arjun?
Marketing Managers who are into the fashion and creative business

What is the health problem for Arjun?
Joint Pains and Muscle Tears due to Exertion

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