neel name meaning

Neel Name meaning, origin, astrology details, personality, numerology and lucky numbers

Neel is a Hindu,Judaism name. The origin of the name Neel is Indian.

Religion of the name Neel
Gender of the name Neel
What is the meaning of the name Neel ?
Neel Means, Sky blue color, bluish image.

Astrology details for Neel

Rashi Lord
Lucky Color
Red, Pink
Lucky Day
Tuesday and Friday
Lucky Stone
Red Coral

Numerology Details for Neel

Self Factor

Number 9 is ruled by Mars. Number 9 people are very enthusiastic. It is a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. They are rich in good strong body. There is height in his voice. Number 9 people spend their life with principle and discipline. Their life is very difficult. They also have good ability to deal with this conflict. Their nature is also artistic. It can always be a victim of haste. In life, they have to face the court.

The primary education of the number 9 person is very fast. Due to their high level of ability, they get good education in life. It is seen that a person with number 9 has a lot of difficulties in getting education in childhood. Education has to be left incomplete after the situation is unfavourable. But because of the conflict may nature it faces challenges.

Number 9 people because if seen in financial condition, they can have good land and property due to the influence of Mars. They get money by doing risky things in life. Their financial condition is good.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the name Neel?
Sky blue color, bluish image.

What are the positive characteristics of the name Neel?
Loves to spend and act as head of every situation

What are the positive thoughts people have about the name Neel?
Work towards success

What is the negative thinking of people about the name Neel?
Can get very emotional

Which is the suitable profession for Neel?
Teacher and customer service

What is the health problem for Arjun?
Children are likely to fall very fast

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