vaibhav name meaning

Vaibhav Name meaning, origin, astrology details, personality, numerology and lucky numbers

Vaibhav is a Hindu name. The origin of the name Vaibhav is .

Religion of the name Vaibhav
Gender of the name Vaibhav
What is the meaning of the name Vaibhav ?
Vaibhav Means,

Astrology details for Vaibhav

Rashi Lord
Lucky Color
White, green, cream and lavender
Lucky Day
Sunday and Monday
Lucky Stone
White Pearl

Numerology Details for Vaibhav

Self Factor

Positive Traits :

Person with personality number 2 has a sense of balance in everything. These individuals are able to see all sides of an issue. They look for harmonious results in all situations. Very upset when sick or quarreling. They make great mediators. They are very intelligent. Number 2 people are considered good politicians.

Negative Traits:

Number 2 personality people always suffer from the fear of making mistakes. They are afraid of being alone. They are very polite towards others and may have low self-esteem. They are easily exploited by others. Low confidence level can make decision making difficult for number 2.


Number 2 people are always known for doing creative work. They are always seen doing creative work very well. So the number 2 person can be an artist.


Number 2 personality as per numerology always seeks balance and peace in all things. Balance is very important for personality number 2. They always try to solve problems for others, but they must learn to make decisions for themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the name Vaibhav?
Not Available

What are the positive characteristics of the name Vaibhav?
Lack of a steady thought and can change decisions fast

What are the positive thoughts people have about the name Vaibhav?
Can come up with new unheard ideas that are useful

What is the negative thinking of people about the name Vaibhav?
Moody Person and that affects decision making

Which is the suitable profession for Vaibhav?
Anyone who works in the medical field like nurses, pathologists.

What is the health problem for Arjun?
Sleep issues due to heavy unrest in mind

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